Canby High School Canby School District | Canby, OR
In 2000, the Canby School District passed a bond election to remodel a traditional vocational “shop” containing wood, metal, agriculture, auto shop, and drafting programs. Canby’s economic base was until that point predominantly manufacturing and agriculture. Expansion of the Portland Metro Area changed these demographics. Today its residents are involved in high tech, medical, design, as well as manufacturing and natural resources careers. Based on community input and national/state-wide expectations regarding career programs, the District, parents, staff, businesses, local community colleges, national researchers, and university educators were brought together to redefine the existing facilities’ educational program and learning environment.
The ATC program design integrates academic and technical learning around a rigorous project-based curriculum. The curriculum is aligned to state content and performance standards, and technical proficiencies are defined by business and industry. Students interact with teachers of multiple disciplines using resources that encourage learning as an active endeavor. Personalized learning plans are achieved through dynamic and relevant academic and career pathways where students explore essential questions and issues in a variety of pursuits: scientific, mathematical, literary, historical, artistic, and aesthetic. Learning in the ATC relates to the businesses within the community and includes high technology, engineering, design, natural resources, and manufacturing career programs that are interrelated and supported by core academic curriculum as well as higher education and business partnerships.